Who Was Your Favorite Teacher?

Rosa Media Productions - Man giving helping hand to friend to climb mountain rock cliff

Rosa Media Productions - Man giving helping hand to friend to climb mountain rock cliffDo you have a favorite teacher you remember? Can you remember a time when you were inspired with a new way of looking at life in action and felt equipped or inspired to take new actions, take risks, and try new things?

I’ve had a number of those experiences over my lifetime, and many of them happened in relation to some kind of teaching, some kind of new information.

One of my inspirations was Dave Ramsey whose feisty approach to giving financial advice helped motivate my wife and I to keep ourselves on a tight budget. We lived simple, saved our money and were able to pay cash for our mini-van and to buy a home in Orange County on a single income.

Dave always talked about starting a business and working hard to bring value to people. At the time I was a teacher, and I was interested in a career change, but I didn’t see myself as an entrepreneur. It wasn’t until years later that I made the leap, but this started a slow drip–turning my way of thinking in favor of entrepreneurship and starting my own business.

In my business, I help my clients spread their valuable message to a broader audience, so their lives will change for the better. Through the Internet, radio, podcasts, and video courses Dave Ramsey has impacted me from 2000 miles away. Now I am helping communicators who have valuable lessons to teach other people. I help them reach out and touch lives through the medium of video in the form of content marketing and online courses.

What skill or knowledge do you have that could help others?